"The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire.
Your essence is gold hidden in dust.
To reveal its splendor you need to burn in the
Fire of Love."
Abstracted from ~ROOTLIGHT.com, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry
In March 2019, Uranus entered Taurus and will remain in Taurus until April 26, 2026. It means that Uranus, a vibration of disruption, surprises and drastic changes, which can often be malefic in nature, is presently in the zodiac sign Taurus and will remain there for the next seven years. Uranus rules all things unexpected, while Taurus represents stability and security. This is metaphorical of Uranus coming to destroy our stability. Uranus is called the great awakener, causing us to wake up. As a whole, the influence of Uranus teaches us to find new ways of looking at things.
This pandemic is causing the comfortable way of life that we have known up until now to change, and for us to pay attention and take care. Our very way of life is being turned upside down, people are wearing masks, changing their routines, and schools, flights and programs are being canceled. Circumstances show us that things are in a state of change, and what worked in the past is no longer working. Besides all the amazing and beautiful technological discoveries, advanced forms of communication, online access and social media governed by Uranus, it is also a planet of revolution and disruption that works to limit, restrict, confine and isolate us. We can see this restrictive, limiting aspect of Uranus being experienced by those who are quarantined and isolated during this pandemic. Indeed, we are all starting to experience some form of limitation and disruption in our usual routine. Uranus enters like a hurricane, acting quickly and sometimes turning things upside down, or spinning them around in the other direction in a split second.
Please, if you have not yet prepared yourself for the transition into Aries, do so now before we reach the cusp. As of March 21st, 2020, while in Aries, Uranus will be paired with Mars, because Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. Usually, the influence of the next zodiac sign is felt 7 days prior. This means that we may start feeling the impact of Mars through Aries about 7 days in advance, starting on March 14th. A Uranus-Mars conjunction can be brutal and violent. It represents the hidden, the dark mysteries, mortality and darkness. This may bring greater disruption, panic, fear and anger. There is no guarantee, but from April 13 to August 22 there is a window in which may see a ray of light in the form of one or more discoveries that may give us hope. Let us pray for the light to prevail.
~ROOTLIGHT.com, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry
In effect, we are living in times ruled by Uranus, that will create drastic changes in everyone's life. During the Decoding 2020 lecture held at the start of this year, we took a comprehensive look at the 2020 vibration, and the combination of forces we will be faced with from 2020 - 2026. We learned that this year specifically will lead to the onset of airborne diseases, along with other disturbances. In essence, we have seven years ruled by the influence of Uranus; 2020 is ruled by Uranus; and a pandemic caused by COVID-19 whose mystical numeration carries the archetypal energy of Uranus. This is why this time is referred to as a perfect storm.
This virus is not bound by geography, race, creed or gender. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from or what you look like, we are all affected, one way or another. Humankind may be forced to come together and sacrifice for each other to overcome this global pandemic. Simply put, we are all in this together.
According to Divine Spiritual Wisdom, unconditional love, service, sacrifice and divine truth deflect the negative influence of Uranus. Interestingly, most children seem to be spared by this virus. One reason may be because of their pure hearts and unconditional love. As of now there is no cure for COVID-19 and the medical community is projecting 1 - 2 years before a vaccine can be created and administered. Unfortunately, it is likely that things will get worse before they get better. Next to science and medicine, divine love, purity, sacrifice and divine truth are among some of the best weapons we have right now in this fight.
In addition to people transitioning, this pandemic is causing many other powerful and unpredictable events such as illnesses, financial fluctuations, and new behaviors from others, that are all outside of our control. It is disrupting our routine, shocking the system and waking us up. The physical world is the ever-changing play of creation. The only unchanging reality is the Oneness, the force that is simultaneously behind and beyond form. We are being forced to explore the nature of our attachments. This vibration is destroying the false and rigid structures that we have entrenched ourselves in. These times will create drastic change in everyone's life and change creates great fear and anxiety. However, we do not have to approach this time with fear. There are certain actions we can take to overcome this vibration.
~ROOTLIGHT.com, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry
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Special Note:
This is a precise protocol to render metaphysical healing to yourself or a loved one. It creates a platform for accelerated healing. This entire practice takes approximately 40 minutes. You can use it to support your healing process or to help someone else in case they get sick. It is recommended to use the following three recordings in this precise sequence as follows:
1. Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur for Miracles - Creates the platform for miracles. It will make the impossible possible and cause Grace to come through for you.
2. Ra Ma Da Sa Adagio - This mantra is like a rare diamond, which connects you with the pure healing energy of the universe. This particular Rootlight recording was used in a Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center research study shown to reduce pain in children undergoing cancer treatment.
3. Hari Ohm Transformation - Fights all disease and neutralizes all planetary and astrological disturbances. Due to the influence of Uranus, it is a good mantra to work with during the next 7 years.
All three tracks are available as part of the Healing Formula album which you can find here. You and your loved ones can also play the Healing Formula compilation on low throughout the home.
Hu (Optional) - It is recommended to work with the sacred sound HU for its distinct ability to remove anxiety, fear and worry. It especially recommended for achieving a restful and restorative night's sleep. You can meditate along with a recording of HU, also available for download here, before bed to put yourself in a calm, peaceful state of being.
For Self-Healing:
Part I
Posture: Sit in a meditative position with the spine straight.
Hand Position: Hands are in prayer pose (palms pressed together, fingers pointing upwards, placed at the level of the sternum.)
Eyes: Eyes are either closed and focused between the mid-brow point or slightly open, focused on the tip of the nose.
Naam: Inhale and vibrate AUM in one long exhalation. Do this three times. Pause for a few moments and move into Part II.
Part II
Hand Position: Bring your hands in Middle Pillar mudra by holding the hands six inches apart, palms facing each other, at the solar plexus area.
Eyes: Eyes are either closed and focused between the mid-brow or slightly open, focused on the tip of the nose.
Naam: Meditate along with the three tracks recommended in this precise order, moving from one to the next until the practice is complete. In between each of the three tracks pause and rest for a few moments, stretch and shake the arms and legs to remove stagnation before continuing to the next.
End: To end, inhale, hold the breath, and surround yourself with healing light for a few seconds. Exhale. Do this 3 times. Rest for a moment as you feel this fresh supply of universal healing energy circulate throughout your body.
For Remote Healing:
Part I
Posture: Sit in a meditative position with the spine straight.
Hand Position: Hands are in prayer pose (palms pressed together, fingers pointing upwards, placed at the level of the sternum.)
Eyes: Eyes are either closed and focused between the mid-brow point or slightly open, focused on the tip of the nose.
Naam: Inhale and vibrate AUM in one long exhalation. Do this three times. Pause for a few moments and move into Part II.
Part II
Select the person in need of healing, close your eyes and say the following prayer:
"Divine Intelligence, purify my whole being so I may be a perfect channel for healing energy. So be it."
Part III
Hand Position: Bring your hands in Middle Pillar mudra by holding the hands six inches apart, palms facing each other, at the solar plexus area.
Eyes: Eyes are either closed and focused between the mid-brow point or slightly open, focused on the tip of the nose.
Naam: Meditate along with the three tracks recommended in this precise order, moving from one to the next until the practice is complete. In between each of the three tracks pause and rest for a few moments, stretch and shake the arms and legs to remove stagnation before continuing to the next.
To end, inhale, hold the breath, and surround yourself with the healing light for a few seconds. Exhale. Pause for a few moments.
Part IV
Visualize as vividly as possible the person who needs your help. Then, imagine the person sitting completely receptive. While in this receptive state, picture a light that slowly beams down from the Sun and surrounds the person. As the light intensifies around the person, feel their entire being gradually becoming charged and vibrating with strength, health and harmony. Visualize the person happy, smiling, laughing, joking, being their best, and vibrating with health. Pause for a few moments.
Part V
While maintaining this visualization, inhale, hold the breath and mentally say: "It is done." Exhale.
Now, forget the face of the person and say, "Divine Intelligence, bless my work. So be it." Pause for a few moments. Go back to your daily activities.
You may draw your inspiration from this simple practice, performing it anytime of the day, shaping it to your liking, and adding any other elements you may deem necessary.
During this time, while we may be physically separated, we can use the positive aspect of Uranus to stay connected online via social media and through technology.
~ROOTLIGHT.com, Dr. Joseph Michael Levry
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