My worldly name is Cheryl. I AM creatively, consciously and unconsciously reflecting Agni Yoga. It is for goodness sake, for the sake of Aflaming Heart and for the mind's sake, I spiraled into the study and practice of yoga in 1968 with renown western practitioner and TV guru, Richard L. Hittleman. During this period there was an accelerated interest and experimentation in eastern cultural eating habits, practices of meditation, self-examination, and "ahimsa" or non-injurious means.
Richly applied this results in a vegetarian diet, transcendental meditation practices, moral and civil rights, realized peace and actualized liberated estates for altruism to flourish. Sacred regard for the individual establishes the will to honor, protect and instill safeguards for the liberty and highest consideration of others, inducing environmental harmonies for the earth and all life.
Such clear will is service in the noble applied life science, Agni Yoga.
Quickened and inspired, I immediately synthesized and developed a regular personal daily yoga practice. Within three years, I began teaching yoga in Islamic Temples. My simultaneous years as yogini and Sufi Mystic in Islamic and yogic practice and studies, revealed a beloved and beautific soul.
Enamored, I whole-heartedly, for well over 25 years, engaged in active membership in AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosae Crucis), or more commonly known as the Rosicrucian Order, a cultural, initiatic and philosophical fraternity.
AMORC systematizes and explores the ancient and modern Gnostic, religious, and spiritual teachings for the Western minded. This systemized instruction incensed and spiritually sponsored my active membership in also, the Traditional Martinist Order, which is in the initiatic Judeo-Christian Mysticism tradition, called Martinism, a repository of Sepher Yezirah and Kabbalah.
Along with these membership activities and requisite study, having always loved the profound writings of Paramahansa Yoganandaji, I then delved into his systematic instruction as a member of the Self-Realization Fellowship.
Furthermore, I have been crowned by Ch'an Meditation, often known as Zen and its study and practice called Buddhism.
I Am Ablaze! I Am Aflame! I Am Fire! The quote of Beloved Jesus, the Christ, "Our God is a consuming fire" is the only adequate way to express the God Within, the inner Master and Teacher; et sequentia my commitment, my devotion, my absorption in the Way, the Truth, the Light and Life consummated and, yes, consumed by That Great See.
Upon every cognized perception of truth, graced me, I have bathed and basked in the glow of the Son's Light, for my daily bread on a variety pallet of election. I elect to identify with the All-in-All, races, creeds, religions, deeds and doers.
The wholly (holy) identity is non-dual and its oneness as unity surrenders and thus ultimately absorbed as Divine Pure Consciousness, is Pristine Clear. "That," Pure, Undefiled, is non-conceptual in thoughts, feelings, or volition, nor can mere language fully, perfectly, adequately or aptly express it. Albeit the feeling and knowingness of the heart is real and results daily in spontaneous outpouring, indeed.
"That," is the direct catalyst for the Great Synthesis of my life experiences taken to heart. Agni Yoga (AY), the Yoga of the Very Heart of Life, the dispeller of darkness is the most worthy of the praises of all living masters and of the ancient seers. Let us approach in reverential homage,
O' Agni, to Thee, dispeller of darkness and of the night, day by day, we pray and we meditate, we enter into Thy Flaming Heart, Thy Bosom of Glory.
In reverence we come to Thee.
O' Agni, of effulgent glow, Thou Illuminator, Thou Radiant One, ever expanding, regenerating Thy Holy Abode, Thou Art ever close.
O' Agni, forever stay within our hearts for our peace increase in Thee.
The Great Synthesis of Agni Yoga is for any noble son or daughter who wishes to engage in the perfection of wisdom by the Way of the Sacred, Cosmic HeartFire.
Be, Aflame!
Through pure commitment, refinement of thought and conscious awareness of experience, Agni Yoga, Cosmic HeartFire establishes a guiding relationship with the Hierarchy of Light, the Beloved Masters of Wisdom who will show you the Way of eternal joy, the foundational spring of eternal youth, the stream of "continuity," yea, the river of life, without end!
Harken and listen to Their approach:
"We greet you in the Bonds of Peace:
We bid you, 'Welcome' from the fiery core of being. Hear this Call, one and all, enter into Our Cosmic Abode and find the sweet glory of grace; enter herein and be..., face-to-face with Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. To come to 'That,' the sacred place, place of peace profound, your home in Silence, consciously listen, swell and renew. Return to the Origin in God and the marriage to your twin flame, the marriage of Heart and Reason, of flaming Sparks of the Divine Light. Re-affirm the beginnings, the eternal service, as you, the ever renewed soaring spirits in the compassionate embrace of service to humanity, whisper in the acceleration of involution for the evolution of a planet and its' people."
*Agni Yoga Society
Sacred Agni
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I will be waiting here
For your silence to break
For your soul to shake
For your love to wake.
-- Rumi
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